News list for "Super central bank"

Uncertainty surrounds the Federal Reserve, the dollar remains volatile at a low level under contradictory signals, and the Bank of England is about to end its "super central bank week". Can the pound stand out today?

Uncertainty surrounds the Federal Reserve, the dollar remains volatile at a low level under contradictory signals, and the Bank of England is about to end its "super central bank week". Can the pound stand out today?

2025-03-20 03:50:20
4E: Volatility in US stocks and crypto markets intensifies, and this week's "Super Central Bank Week" hits

On March 17, according to 4E monitoring, under the continuous impact of Trump's tariff policy, the three major US stock indexes collectively closed down after experiencing significant fluctuations last week. The Dow fell by about 3.1%, marking its worst weekly performance since March 2023. The S & P 500 fell by 2.27% and the Nasdaq fell by 2.43%, both falling for the fourth consecutive week. Large technology stocks rebounded by nearly 8% except for NVIDIA, and all other weekly losses were closed...

2025-03-17 03:08:25
Super central bank week is coming! Trump is using "bitter meat" to force the Federal Reserve to cut interest rates? After gold breaks through $3,000 or "shock people out of the car", US stocks may not have bottomed out yet...

Super central bank week is coming! Trump is using "bitter meat" to force the Federal Reserve to cut interest rates? After gold breaks through $3,000 or "shock people out of the car", US stocks may not have bottomed out yet...

2025-03-16 07:15:57
Super central bank week is coming! Trump is using "bitter meat" to force the Federal Reserve to cut interest rates? After gold breaks through $3,000 or "shock people out of the car", US stocks may not have bottomed out yet...

Super central bank week is coming! Trump is using "bitter meat" to force the Federal Reserve to cut interest rates? After gold breaks through $3,000 or "shock people out of the car", US stocks may not have bottomed out yet...

2025-03-15 11:54:37
The "Super Central Bank Week" has ended, and the US dollar and US bond yields continue to dominate, but the technical side is flashing "red lights". Can non-Americans seize this breathing opportunity? > >

The "Super Central Bank Week" has ended, and the US dollar and US bond yields continue to dominate, but the technical side is flashing "red lights". Can non-Americans seize this breathing opportunity? > >

2024-12-20 05:14:23
The Super Central Bank Week is about to kick off, and the inversion of the US bond spread is being repaired, which may mean...

The Super Central Bank Week is about to kick off, and the inversion of US bond spreads is being repaired, which may mean...

2024-08-13 04:29:33

7x24 Newsflash

02:00 2025-03-24
以太坊 2025 年 Q1 创历史最差表现,连续三月均呈负收益
3月24日消息,据 Coinglass 数据,以太坊在 2025 年第一季度经历了近年来最为惨淡的开局,连续三个月均呈现负收益: 1月:-1.28%(历史平均收益:+20.63%,中位数:+31.92%); 2月:-31.95%(历史平均收益:+11.68%,中位数:+8.78%); 3月:-10.16%(历史平均收益:+19.55%,中位数:+9.96%); 这是以太坊自2017年有完整数据记录以来,首次出现连续三个月全部为负收益的第一季度。对比历年第一季度表现: 2024年:两涨一跌(-0...
01:57 2025-03-24
资管公司南方东英宣布推出9只美股个股杠杆及反向产品(L&I Products),让投资者可以在亚洲时段进行美股交易,据悉新产品周一(24日)首挂,投资5只美股个股,包括伯克希尔哈撒韦、特斯拉、英伟达、Coinbase及Strategy(原MicroStrategy),以掉期为基础的合成模拟策略,达成2倍杠杆并设有港元及美元柜台,每手10个单位,入场费约780元,预计追踪误差约0.06%。
01:33 2025-03-24
01:27 2025-03-24
数据:Metaplanet 再购入 150 枚比特币,累计持仓达 3350 枚
据 Metaplanet 公告,公司作为其比特币金库战略的一部分,再次购入 150 枚比特币,平均价格为每枚 12,570,173 日元,总计约 18.86 亿日元。截至目前,公司共持有 3,350 枚比特币,累计购入总额为约 422.16 亿日元。
01:18 2025-03-24
据链上数据分析师@ai_9684xtpa监测,地址0xcD4...364D6于5小时前从Aave中提出14202枚ETH(约合2835万美元),随后全部充值进Binance,疑似抛售。 该地址曾与区块构建者Beaver Builder和Titan build存在频繁交互。
01:15 2025-03-24
WLFI 于 15 分钟前买入价值 300 万美元的 MNT
据余烬监测,特朗普家族支持的 DeFi 项目 WLFI 在 15 分钟前增加了对 Mantle (MNT) 的投资,斥资 300 万美元购入约 353.9 万枚 MNT 代币,购买价格为 0.84 美元。 据悉,WLFI 目前的投资组合已累计投入 3.43 亿美元,配置了包括 ETH、WBTC、TRX、LINK、AAVE、ENA、MOVE、ONDO、SEI、AVAX 和 MNT 在内的 11 种代币。然而,该投资组合目前整体浮亏约 1.09 亿美元,亏损幅度达三分...
01:06 2025-03-24
罗伯特·肯尼迪 (RFK Jr) 评价美联储:“它代表少数几家华尔街银行运作,其功能就像一个泵。它实际上是在从美国中产阶级手中榨取财富和权益。”
00:35 2025-03-24
开发者将Tornado Cash移植至MegaETH测试网
据The Block报道,开发者Gunboats将Tornado Cash协议移植至MegaETH公共测试网,该网络支持每秒20,000笔交易。 Gunboats受美国财政部解除 Tornado Cash 制裁的启发,将其部署至MegaETH,并命名为ETHTornado。他使用Truffle框架完成移植,并表示如今可通过Foundry轻松编写Solidity智能合约。 Gunboats认为此类限制无意义,并强调当前ETHTornado活跃度较低,主要因缺乏易用的前端。
00:32 2025-03-24
比特币挖矿难度于昨晚上调1.43%至113.76 T,接近历史高点
Cloverpool数据显示,比特币挖矿难度在区块高度889,056处(北京时间03-23 19:15:42)迎来挖矿难度调整,难度上调1.43%至113.76 T,接近历史高点(114.17)。
00:29 2025-03-24
SatoshiActionFund(SAF)联合创始人DennisPorter发推表示,稳定币是比特币以外数字资产领域最重要的技术。 确实没有接近的亚军。 很快数十亿人将可以使用美元支持的稳定币,这将带领他们进入数字世界。 这对比特币来说是一件好事。为什么呢? 因为美元用户是世界上最大的比特币买家。当人们使用美元时,他们可以更好地规划未来,包括为未来储蓄(即购买比特币)。
00:29 2025-03-24
据The Block数据显示,上周六以太坊网络单日仅销毁53.07枚ETH,按当前价格计算价值约为106,000美元,创下历史新低,这表明对以太坊区块空间的需求显着减少。 以太坊的EIP-1559变更简化了交易费流程,同时要求网络销毁所有用于支付基本交易费的 ETH。该机制旨在降低通胀压力,并可能使以太坊在网络活动高峰期成为通货紧缩资产。 此外,活跃...
00:26 2025-03-24